Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Jeddah Lawyer

Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Jeddah Lawyer
Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Jeddah Lawyer

Jeddah lawyer
























If you’re in need of a lawyer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, then you’ve come to the right place. While many lawyers charge the same, not all of them have the same quality or experience. The salary of a Jeddah lawyer will depend on several factors, including whether the lawyer has the required knowledge and experience in the region. Here are some of the things you should know before choosing a Jeddah lawyer. Click here –

Provides Quality Legal Services To Individuals And Businesses

Mohammed Bin Afif Law Office. Mohammed Bin Afif Law office is a top-notch law firm in Jeddah. This office boasts an impressive team of lawyers, consultants, and specialists. They’re registered with the Ministry of Justice and have obtained a license from the Saudi Bar Association. The firm provides quality legal services to individuals and businesses, including litigation and dispute resolution. They also have expertise in international arbitration.

Hammad & Al-Mehdar. Established in 1983, Hammad & Al-Mehdar provides comprehensive general legal services. Their clients include multinational and U.S. companies. The firm is a founding partner of Gulf Consultants for the Protection of Intellectual Property. Dr. Saleh Bakr Al-Tayar & Co. specializes in international arbitration and international contracts. This firm has offices in Jeddah, Khobar, and the UAE.

Khaleel al-Basha, a Saudi lawyer, is a leading authority on Islamic law. He has worked as a Saudi lawyer in Jeddah for more than four decades. His extensive experience in criminal law has made him a highly sought-after lawyer in Jeddah. His clients have found him a worthy advocate. In fact, their lawyers often receive a post-trial release from the Ministry of Interior.

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